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National Geographic Institute

88 record(s)
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  • Riparian zones represent transitional areas occurring between land and freshwater ecosystems, characterised by distinctive hydrology, soil and biotic conditions and strongly influenced by the stream water. They provide a wide range of riparian functions (e.g. chemical filtration, flood control, bank stabilization, aquatic life and riparian wildlife support, etc.) and ecosystem services. The Riparian Zones products will support the objectives of several European legal acts and policy initiatives, such as the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, the Habitats and Birds Directives and the Water Framework Directive. Two complementary product groups provide detailed information on the state and characteristics of riparian zones across Belgium: 1. Land Cover / Land Use (LCLU) 2. Green Linear Elements (GLE)

  • The data set contains a seamless polygonal layer representing the land cover in Belgium for the year 2018. The dataset is INSPIRE compliant.

  • Top10Vector – Hydrography is the data set of the Belgian hydrography. This data set includes six classes. First class: waterway kilometre markers of the Belgian navigable waterways. Second class: watercourse surfaces. Third class: watercourse segments. Fourth class: water points, which means points where the water arrives at the surface or disappears into the subsoil. Fifth class: wetlands, which means zones where the soil is saturated or regularly flooded. Sixth class: water surfaces. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.

  • The entities included in dataset represent the Belgian waterway transport network in the sense of the Inspire European directive. The dataset comprises several classes and is in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications. The class represents, in a linear manner, all of the waterway links between each pair of dots for the network considered. In addition to this is one class without geometry. The RestrictionForWaterCehicles class specifies for each segment the maximum tonnage of the building using the segment.

  • INSPIRE compliant discovery service for geographic information made available by the Belgian Federal Government.

  • The product is made of 6 "high resolution layers" covering all the Belgian territory as part of a European-wide coverage. The 6 layers concern 6 distinct themes: Imperviousness, Tree cover density, Forest type, Permanent grasslands, Wetlands and Permanent waterbodies. The 6 layers were produced by an automatic classification based on satellite images and collateral data and achieved by private companies (EEA service providers), and they were verified and enhanced by Belgium. At the Belgian level, verification and enhancements were made by AGIV for the northern part and SPW for the southern part. The NGI coordinated the project.

  • The national wastewater-based epidemiological surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 monitors the SARS-CoV-2 presence in several wastewater treatment plants across Belgium. This AtomFeed download service contains the results per treatment plant since the beginning of the surveillance in September 2020. The results consist in the SARS-CoV2 concentrations over time as well as other data needed for the interpretations such as the flow rates of the treatment plants and their covering populations.

  • This AtomFeed download service provides access to federal datasets that are not reported under the INSPIRE Directive. The datasets can be accessible for free or under conditions.

  • Points Of Interest - Economy interest contains point elements indicating the location of an economic activity, such as a brewery, wholesale market, (commercial, industrial) building, cooling tower, gas processing/disposal, slagheap, telecommunications, wind turbine, solar panel park in Belgium.

  • Points Of Interest - patrimonial elements contains point elements relating to the patrimony, namely (water and wind)mill, (historic, commemoration, fortified) building, historic mound, ice house, castle, kiosk, shoring, non-religious monument, monumental stairs in Belgium.