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Foreign real estate - Property characteristics corresponds to the dataset of foreign real estate held by belgian taxpayers as declared to the FPS Finance (only the holders of rights allowing the enjoyment of the property are taken into account). This dataset consists of one class. This class includes, for each foreign country or territory, the number of properties in each category, the total cadastral income of these properties, the median cadastral income of each category, as well as the 25 and 75 percentiles of the cadastral income of each category.
The number of inhabitants according to official statistics per age group of 5 years and gender by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.
RMI operates a network of 17 automatic weather stations in Belgium. These weather stations report meteorological paramaters such as air pressure, temperature, relative humidity, precipitation (quantity, duration), wind (speed, gust, direction), sunshine duration, shortwave solar radiation and infrared radiation every 10 minutes. Hourly AWS data are computed from the 10-min observations.
This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 8, criterion 1. This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 8, criterion 1. This dataset contains the concentrations of priority substances (tributyltin, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs)) measured in the water column at three stations in the Belgian part of the North Sea between 2009 and 2014 (as reported in the frame of the WFD in 2016). In total, 45 different parameters are measured.
Annual and seasonal precipitation indices given in number of days: 1/ Wet days: Number of days with precipitation > 0.1 mm/day for winter, autumn, spring, summer; 2/ Dry days: Number of days with precipitation < 0.1 mm/day for winter, autumn, spring, summer; 3/ Average length of dry spells: Mean duration of minimum three consecutive days with precipitation < 0.1 mm/day; 4/ Maximum length of dry spells: Longest period of minimum three consecutive days with precipitation < 0.1 mm/day, occurring once in 20 years. The precipitation indices are available for the present target year 1975, which corresponds to the middle of the 30-year period 1961-1990.
Summer and winter mean wind speed given in m/s. The wind speed fields are available for the present target year 1975, which corresponds to the middle of the 30-year period 1961-1990.
Daily forecasts for each belgian commune, from current day up to the next 7 days. This product is not publically available.
Hail products are derived from the observed vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and the NWP vertical profiles of temperature. Three types of products are generated. poh : probability of hail of any size (larger than 0.5 cm diameter)expressed in %. posh : probability of severe hail(larger than 2cm)expressed in %. mesh : maximum expected size of hailexpressed in mm of hailstone diameter. All products are generated every 5 minutes. This product is not publically available yet.
The climatological network contains about 200 stations spread over the whole country. It consists of voluntary observers recruited by the RMI, professional observers of Skeyes (civil aviation) or the Air Force (military aviation) and civil servants of the state, communities or private companies. The observers measure the amount of rain fallen in the last 24 hours in the pluviometer of the RMI every morning at 8 o‘clock. In more than half of the stations the extreme air temperatures are also recorded by reading the maximum and minimum temperature in a standardized weather shelter. The observers send their observations either on a daily or on a monthly basis to RMI. This product is not publicly available yet.
Hail products are derived from the observed vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and the NWP vertical profiles of temperature. Three types of products are generated. poh : probability of hail of any size (larger than 0.5 cm diameter)expressed in %. posh : probability of severe hail(larger than 2cm)expressed in %. mesh : maximum expected size of hailexpressed in mm of hailstone diameter. All products are generated every 5 minutes. This product is not publically available yet.