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National Geographic Institute

92 record(s)
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  • Govroam is a " wifi roaming " solution. This service offers to the users a simple and secure access to the wireless network of their institution, but also to networks of other participating institutions. A user from an organization that participates in govroam will be able to connect to any wireless access point broadcasting govroam. The data provided here makes it possible to locate these access points.

  • This webservice allows viewing a digital surface model. It is a homogeneous and regular points grid which indicates the height above the surface of the earth, either the soil or any other permanent and visible element in the landscape (vegetation, construction,…). These data represent the situation of the landscape resulting from the July 2021 floods in het areas of the Vesdre, of part of the Meuse downstream from Liège and of the Demer. The heights are given relative to the Belgian zero level (fictitious zero of Uccle). The data have a resolution (size of the meshes of the regular grid) of 20 cm.

  • Climate indicators for a present (1975) and future (2085) target year under a mean and high impact scenario (view and download service with raster files). The climate indicators for Belgium were obtained by a statistical downscaling based on the high-resolution Belgian climate model projections, as well as on a large set of both Global Climate Model runs (CMIP5) and Regional Climate Model runs for Europe (EURO-CORDEX).

  • The data set contains a seamless polygonal layer representing the land cover in Belgium for the year 2012 and the year 2018. The polygons are spread over 32 classes from the CORINE Land Cover legend which are present un Belgium. The minimum map unit is 25 ha. The conceptual scale is 1:100 000. The data set also contains a polygon layer showing changes of more than 5 ha in the land cover between 2012 and 2018.

  • MapIndex is a regular grid of rectangular or square cells coded with alphanumeric characters. It has been defined for the Belgian territory and allows geolacating several events. The present version is a beta (v2)version which is submitted to the emergency services. It will evolve to a standard cartographic grid.

  • This web service allows viewing datasets from Buildings

  • The service makes it possible to view the aerial photos with orthorectification taken by Hansa Luftbild at NGI's request following the floods of July 2021 in the areas of the Vesdre, part of the Meuse downstream of Liège and the Demer. The resolution of the original data is 6.5 cm (4 cm above the Hoëgne). The service allows the images to be viewed at a maximum resolution of 25 cm. Orthophotos are digital aerial photographs in which the systematic distortions due to the central projection, relief and the not always perfectly vertical axis of shooting have been corrected. The orthophoto thereby obtained is metrically more accurate than an ordinary aerial photograph and is highly valuable as basic information.

  • CORINE Local Components is an INSPIRE compliant WMS service showing 4 "Local component products" covering the Belgian territory within the framework of a Pan-European coverage. The 4 layers cover 4 different products: Urban Atlas 2012, Urban Atlas 2012 Street Tree Layer, Riparian Zones and Natura2000.

  • The INSPIRE contour lines used for a cartographic representation of the relief at scale 1:50000, a product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium. The dataset features are in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • Web service with currently available electronic terrain and obstacle data in Area 1 related to: - Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2017/373 on, inter alia, the common requirements for air navigation service providers, as subsequently amended; - Annex 15 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation; - ICAO document 10066 PANS-AIM: Procedures for air navigation services, Aeronautical Information Management.