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  • This dataset shows a digital surface model. It is a homogeneous and regular points grid which indicates the height above the surface of the earth, either the soil or any other permanent and visible element in the landscape (vegetation, construction,…). These data represent the situation of the landscape resulting from the July 2021 floods in het areas of the Vesdre, of part of the Meuse downstream from Liège and of the Demer.

  • The number of private households according to official statistics, per administrative unit (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.

  • Population density and area of administrative entities (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.

  • The average household size of private households by administrative unit (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.

  • The number of inhabitants according to official statistics by age group (<20 years, >=65 years, >=80 years) and by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.

  • The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 2 potential seaport expansion zones: Potential harbour extension Oostende (Art. 12§2), Potential harbour extension Zeebrugge (Art. 12§3). It replaces the 2014 Marine Spatial Plan, which is included for completeness. The Royal Decree of 20 March 2014 establishing a marine spatial plan defines in its Art. 9. § 10, two zones (Art. 9 §10 zone 1, Ostend, Art. 9 §10 zone 2, Zeebrugge) for the potential extension of the sea ports of Ostend en Zeebrugge. These zones are made available digitally in the resource described by this metadata document. Please refer to the Belgian official gazette (\"Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad\") for official reference information.

  • The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 6 measuring poles: Measuring pole MOW.0 (Art. 21§2), Measuring pole MOW.1 (Art. 21§2), Measuring pole MOW.2 (Art. 21§2), Measuring pole MOW.3 (Art. 21§2), Measuring pole MOW.4 (Art. 21§2), Measuring pole Westhinder (Art. 21§2). It replaces the 2014 Marine Spatial Plan, which is included for completeness. The Royal Decree of 20 March 2014 establishing a marine spatial plan defines in its Art. 15. §3, one set of measuring pole locations. These locations are made available digitally in the resource described by this metadata document. Please refer to the Belgian official gazette (\"Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad\") for official reference information.

  • The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 5 nature conservation areas: Special area for conservation 'The Flemish Banks' (Art. 7§1), Special area for conservation 'Vlakte van de Raan' (Art. 7§3), Special protection area for birds - SPA 1 (Art. 7§5.1°), Special protection area for birds - SPA 2 (Art. 7§5.2°), Special protection area for birds - SPA 3 (Art. 7§5.3°). It replaces the 2014 Marine Spatial Plan, which is included for completeness. The Royal Decree of 20 March 2014 establishing a marine spatial plan defines in its Art. 7., six nature conservation sites: two special areas for conservation (Art. 7. §1, Special area for conservation 'Vlaamse Banken' and Art. 7. §3, Special area for conservation 'Trapegeer stroombank'), three special protection zones for birds (Art7§4.1°, SBZ1, Art7§4.2°, SBZ2, Art7§4.3°, SBZ3), and one marine reserve (Art7§8, Marine reserve 'Baai van Heist'). These zones are made available digitally in the resource described by this metadata document. Please refer to the Belgian official gazette (\"Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad\") for official reference information.

  • The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 6 energy, cable and pipeline zones: Area 1 for renewable energy (Eastern zone) (Art. 8§1), Area 2 for renewable energy (Noordhinder North) (Art. 8§2), Area 3 for renewable energy (Noordhinder Zuid) (Art. 8§3), Area for renewable energy - zone 4 (Fairybank) (Art. 8§3), Modular offshore grid for transmission of energy (Art. 8§5), Pipelines and cables corridor (Art. 9§1). It replaces the 2014 Marine Spatial Plan, which is included for completeness. The Royal Decree of 20 March 2014 establishing a marine spatial plan defines in its Art. 9. five dredged material disposal sites (Dredged material disposal site S1, Art. 9 § 6.1°; Dredged material disposal site S2, Art. 9 § 6.2°; Dredged material disposal site Bruggen en Wegen Oostende, Art. 9 § 6.3°; Dredged material disposal site Bruggen en Wegen Zeebrugge Oost, Art. 9 § 6.4°; Dredged material disposal site Bruggen en Wegen Nieuwpoort, Art. 9 § 6.5°). These zones are made available digitally in the resource described by this metadata document. Please refer to the Belgian official gazette (\"Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad\") for official reference information.

  • The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 1 coastal protection experiments zone: Zone for coastal protection experiments (Art. 16§2). It replaces the 2014 Marine Spatial Plan, which is included for completeness. The Royal Decree of 20 March 2014 establishing a marine spatial plan defines in its Art. 12. §1 one zone for coastal protection experiments. This zone is made available digitally in the resource described by this metadata document. Please refer to the Belgian official gazette (\"Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad\") for official reference information.