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  • Summer and winter mean wind speed given in m/s. The wind speed fields are available for the present target year 1975, which corresponds to the middle of the 30-year period 1961-1990.

  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by 1 km² square grid cell in Belgium on January 1st, according to the European definition of the population. The European definition takes into account the 12-months criterion and includes asylum seekers. More information at https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/demo_pop_esms.htm#unit_measure1589188532500.

  • INSPIRE compliant download service for geographic information of general marine datasets made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS). More specific products such as the Marine Spatial Plan and the MSFD data are provided by other WMS services.

  • INSPIRE compliant download service (WFS) for geographic information of the core sample collection made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).

  • INSPIRE compliant download service for geographic information made available by the Belgian Interregional Environment Agency (IRCEL - CELINE).

  • Real estate sales - Profile of the buyers corresponds to the dataset describing the profile of the buyers (natural persons) of real estate. This dataset is composed of seven classes. The first class shows, at the national level, for each cadastral nature and by price range the number of real estate property that was sold as well as the number of buyers broken down by age and gender categories. The second class includes this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, arrondissements, municipalities, cadastral divisions and statistical sectors. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped CSV.

  • Annual, summer and winter mean potential evapotranspiration given in respectively mm/year and mm/3 months and based on the Penman-Monteith definition. The potential evapotranspiration fields are available for the future target year 2085, which corresponds to the middle of the 30-year period 2071-2100, and for mean and high impact scenarios corresponding respectively to the 50th and 95th percentiles of the change factors.

  • The data set includes three types of breakdown: Cities, Larger Urban zones or Functional Urban areas. BE_StatisticsBelgium_SH_SU_UA_CITY presents in the form of polygons the borders of the Belgian cities participating to the Urban Audit of the European Commission. Some cities consist in only one municipality (LAU2) while the others are the result of the aggregation of several municipalities (LAU2). Several versions of the breakdown (2001, 2002, 2010, 2019) follow one another because over the years new cities have taken part in it. The files can be linked to the statistical data collected for the Urban Audit. BE_StatisticsBelgium_SH_SU_UA_LUZ and BE_StatisticsBelgium_SH_SU_UA_FUA present in the form of polygons the areas of influence of the Urban Audit cities on the surrounding municipalities. The initial concept of Larger Urban Zones (LUZ) was replaced by the concept of Functional Urban areas (FUA) to take into account the movement of workers to the Urban Audit cities. LUZ / FUA are an aggregation of municipalities (LAU2). Several versions of the breakdown (2001, 2002, 2010, 2019) follow one another because over the years new LUZ / FUA have appeared or have seen their extension modified. The files can be linked to the statistical data collected for the Urban Audit.

  • The dataset shows in the form of polygons the sand and gravel extraction sites in the Belgian marine areas as defined by the successive marine spatial plans. A 2014 version illustrates the 2014-2020 plan while the 2020 version illustrates the 2020-2026 plan.

  • Total lightning observations, i.e., cloud-to-ground (CG) strokes and intra/inter-cloud (IC) pulses, in Belgium. BELLS data is given in Universal Time! (local time winter = UT +1; local time summer = UT + 2). Each record contains following fields: 1. Network type, 0 = LF, 1 = VHF-TOA, 2 = VHF-ITF, 3 = VLF 2. Year, 1970 to 2032. 3. Month, with January as 1 and December as 12. 4. Day of the month, 1 to 31. 5. Hour, 0 to 23. 6. Minute, 0 to 59. 7. Second, 0 to 60. 8. Nanosecond, 0 to 999999999. 9. Latitude of the calculated location in decimal degrees, to 4 decimal places, -90.0 to 90.0. 10. Longitude of the calculated location in decimal degrees, to 4 decimal places, -180.0 to 180.0. 11. Altitude in meters, -4950 to +60535. This field will be 0 if the altitude is not provided in the lightning data. 12. The altitude uncertainty in meters. This field will be 0 if the altitude uncertainty is not provided in the lightning data. 13. Estimated peak current in kiloamps, -9999 to 9999. 14. VHF Range normalized power, -9999.0 to 9999.0 15. Multiplicity for flash data (1 to 99) or 0 for strokes. 16. Cloud pulse count for the lightning record. This field will be -1 if the lightning did not contain the cloud pulse count attribute. 17. Number of sensors participating in the solution, 2 to 99. 18. Degrees of freedom when optimizing location, 0 to 99. 19. The error ellipse angle as a clockwise bearing from 0 degrees north, 0 to 180.0 degrees 20. The error ellipse semi-major axis length in kilometers, 0 to 50.0km. 21. The error ellipse semi-minor axis length in kilometers, 0 to 50.0km. 22. Chi-squared value from location optimization, 0 to 999.99 23. Rise time of the waveform in microseconds, 0 to 99.9 24. Peak-to-zero time of the waveform in microseconds, 0 to 999.9 25. Maximum rate-of-rise of the waveform in kA/usec (will be a negative rate if discharge is negative), -999.9 to 999.9 26. Cloud indicator, 1 if Cloud-to-cloud discharge, 0 for Cloud-to-ground 27. Angle indicator, 1 if sensor angle data used to compute position, 0 otherwise 28. Signal indicator, 1 if sensor signal data used to compute position, 0 otherwise 29. Timing indicator, 1 if sensor timing data used to compute position, 0 otherwise 30. Flash ID, a unique integer value identifying the flash grouping a stroke belongs to or 0 if not set. This product is not publically available yet.