

25 record(s)
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  • Points Of Interest - Cult elements contains point elements relating to the cult, namely churchs (anglican, catholic, orthodox, protestant), mosques, synanogues, buddhist temples, chapels, abbeys, priories and other religious buildings or small monuments in Belgium.

  • Points Of Interest - patrimonial elements contains point elements relating to the patrimony, namely (water and wind)mill, (historic, commemoration, fortified) building, historic mound, ice house, castle, kiosk, shoring, non-religious monument, monumental stairs in Belgium.

  • CadGIS Viewer is an application developed by the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation of the FPS Finance. This application allows to: - consult the current situation of the land register plan and the administrative units and print them out; - consult all the tax situations since 2018 (situation as on 1 January) for the land register plan and administrative units; - search and geolocate the objects on the land register plan on the basis of space characteristics or queries; - ask for and print out cadastral plan parcels within a certain range around or adjacent to one or more parcels ; - search graphically on the map for surveyors' plans (only for surveyors); - add additional data to the map, both from a predefined list (IGN - Belgian national geographical institute’s aerial photographs, Cartoweb, regional reference frames such as GRB and PICC, ...) as well as other data via the URL of web services.

  • This web service allows viewing datasets from Buildings

  • Web service with currently available electronic terrain and obstacle data in Area 1 related to: - Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2017/373 on, inter alia, the common requirements for air navigation service providers, as subsequently amended; - Annex 15 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation; - ICAO document 10066 PANS-AIM: Procedures for air navigation services, Aeronautical Information Management.

  • The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 1 radar tower: Radar Oostdyck (Art. 21§3). Please refer to the Belgian official gazette (\"Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad\") for official reference information.

  • Buildings is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Constructions" layer originated from the Top10vector product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium . It includes the "Building" features and the "OtherConstruction" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • TopoMaps is a WMS allowing visualizing all images corresponding to the standard topographic cartographies made by the National Geographic Institute. As a result, it allows viewing cartographies on a 1:25 000 scale (Top25Map), on a 1:50 000 scale (Top50Map), on a 1:100 000 scale (Landcover100Map) and on a 1:250 000 scale (Top250Map), as well as the administrative map (AdminMap). With the exception of the administrative map, the cartographies show all themes of the topo-geographic inventory of the Belgian territory (ITGI) which is made and kept up-to-date by the National Geographic Institute: land use, transport, hydrography, buildings and constructions, relief, map lettering and toponyms.

  • INSPIRE compliant download service (ATOM) for geographic information of general marine datasets made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).

  • Vector dataset of aeronautical obstacles with a height of 60 meters or more above the ground. The update of this dataset takes place on a multi-year cycle; for each obstacle and for each location, the situation is indicated as applicable at the time of its last update. Based on the horizontal range of an obstacle, it is classified into one of three classes: polygonal obstacle if the smallest rectangular area enclosing the obstacle has a length and width of more than 100 meters; line obstacle if the smallest rectangular area enclosing the obstacle has a length of more than 100 meters, but a width of less than 100 meters; point obstruction in other cases.