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Emergency rescue zones corresponds to the dataset of the territorial delimitation of the emergency areas such as defined by the Royal Decree of February 2nd 2009 determining the territorial delimitation of the emergency areas in accordance with the law of May 15th 2007 on civil protection. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains the identifiers, names and geometries of the various areas; the second is a class without geometry and corresponds to the table of Belgian municipalities with the emergency area for each of them. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped shapefiles.
Top10Vector – Hydrography is the data set of the Belgian hydrography. This data set includes six classes. First class: waterway kilometre markers of the Belgian navigable waterways. Second class: watercourse surfaces. Third class: watercourse segments. Fourth class: water points, which means points where the water arrives at the surface or disappears into the subsoil. Fifth class: wetlands, which means zones where the soil is saturated or regularly flooded. Sixth class: water surfaces. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
Police zones corresponds to the dataset of the territorial delimitation of the police areas such as defined by the Royal Decrees of April 28th 2000 in accordance with the law of December 7th 1998 organising an integrated police service. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains the identifiers, names and geometries of the various areas; the second is a class without geometry and corresponds to the table of Belgian municipalities with the police area for each of them. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped shapefiles.
This dataset corresponds to the dataset of address points on the Belgian territory. The result is obtained by merging the three regions on the basis of XML files which has been supplied to BOSA for the cooperation agreement BeStAddress. The dataset is freely downloadable.
Electricity network is the INSPIRE vector data set originated from the High-Tension network of the product TOP10Vector of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium. The Electricity network is regularly updated with the ELIA Group data sources. It includes the "ElectricityCable" features and the "Pole" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.
Administrative units - situation on January 1st corresponds to the dataset of administrative units from the reference database for the land register data. Administrative limits are legally defined by an administrative entity or between two administrative entities. In Belgium, administrative limits as legally defined are fixed and can only be changed by a law, ordinance or decree. The General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation of the FPS Finance is named by the federal authorities as the authentic source of Belgian administrative limits. This dataset corresponds to the legal situation as defined on January 1st of the reference year. It is composed of seven geometric classes (polygons and lines) and one class without geometry. The first class corresponds to the whole national territory. The second corresponds to the territory of the three regions, the third to the territory of the provinces, the fourth to the territory of the administrative districts, the fifth to the territory of the municipalities, the sixth to the territory of the Antwerp city districts and the seventh to the administrative boundaries in the form of lines. The class without geometry corresponds to the table of tax situations. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped shapefiles.
Top10Vector – Particular zones is the vector data set of portions of the Belgian territory having a particular attribution which makes them different from the objects in the other Top10Vector-themes. This data set includes only one class. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
Administrative units - current situation corresponds to the dataset of administrative units from the reference database for the land register data. Administrative limits are legally defined by an administrative entity or between two administrative entities. In Belgium, administrative limits as legally defined are fixed and can only be changed by a law, ordinance or decree. The General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation of the FPS Finance is named by the federal authorities as the authentic source of Belgian administrative limits. This dataset corresponds to the current situation at the time of consultation. It is composed of five geometric classes. The first class corresponds to the whole national territory. The second corresponds to the territory of the three regions, the third to the territory of the provinces, the fourth to the territory of the administrative districts, the fifth to the territory of the municipalities. The dataset is freely downloadable via the ad hoc WFS service.
This dataset contains the Belgian judicial districts and cantons, within the boundaries established by the annexes of the Judicial Code. Each judicial canton has a justice of the peace, which is also included in this dataset.
Land register plan - situation on January 1st corresponds to the dataset of land register from the reference database for the land register data CadGIS. The land register plan is one of the elements that make up the patrimonial documentation. It is defined as “the graphic representation and assembling on a plan of all the cadastral plan parcels of the Belgian territory”. A plan parcel, such as defined in Article 2 of the Royal Decree of 30 July 2018, is a part of Belgian territory, geographically delimited and identified by the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation on the land register plan, which corresponds to the ground surface area of one or more patrimonial cadastral parcel(s) (real estate property as mentioned in Article 472 of the 1992 Income Tax Code in respect of which the cadastral income is fixed). This dataset corresponds to the legal situation as defined on 1 January of the reference year. It is composed of thirteen geometric classes and one class without geometry. The first class includes the cadastral plan parcels present in the corresponding administrative unit. The second class includes the buildings managed by the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation, the third class includes the buildings managed by the regions, the fourth class includes equipment and tools, the fifth class includes water bodies, the sixth class includes cadastral blocks, the seventh, easements and paths, the eighth, toponymic lines, the ninth, toponymic points, the tenth, property boundaries, the eleventh, parcel numbers, the twelfth, cadastral divisions, and finally, the thirteenth, cadastral limits. The class without geometry corresponds to the table of tax situations. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped shapefiles.