National Geographic Institute
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INSPIRE compliant discovery service for geographic information made available by the Belgian Federal Government.
Network of marks whose planimetric coordinates are known with precision according to the reference systems which are used in Belgium.
Top10Vector – Constructions is the vector data set of constructions in Belgium. It includes seven classes. First class: brunnels. Second class: buildings. Third class: particular line constructions. Fourth class: particular polygonal constructions. Fifht class: particular point constructions. Sixth class: towers on buildings. Seventh class: additional polygon geometries. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
Points Of Interest - Natural elements contains point elements relating to nature, namely remarkable trees and underground cavities in Belgium.
Top10Vector – High tension network is the vector data set of the high tension network in Belgium. It includes two classes. First class: high tension line segments. Second class: power pylons. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
The national wastewater-based epidemiological surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 monitors the SARS-CoV-2 presence in several wastewater treatment plants across Belgium. This download service contains the results per treatment plant since the beginning of the surveillance in September 2020. The results consist in the SARS-CoV2 concentrations over time as well as other data needed for the interpretations such as the flow rates of the treatment plants and their covering populations.
This AtomFeed download service provides access to federal datasets that are reported under the INSPIRE Directive. The datasets can be accessible for free or under conditions.
This is the discovery service for the metadata which are made available by the Belgian federal government. It only contains the resources which have been declared for the INSPIRE reporting, i.e. the resources which contain the keyword “reporting INSPIRE”.
The web application G-DOC provides information on all Belgian geodetic reference points. These points can be used as starting points or checkpoints to determine coordinates according to the national reference systems. three groups of geodetic reference points are available: 3D points, altimetric points and planimetric points.
This dataset contains a set of Points Of Interest (POI) indicating the location of places of interest in Belgium, collected by NGI. The dataset consists of 97 POI types grouped into 6 classes (natural elements, cult elements, patrimonial elements, elements of general interest, infrastructures, economy). POI types that have a link with the NGI topographic reference data are systematically monitored to ensure consistency between these data. But for other POI types, there is no guarantee of completeness and correctness. These are updated ad hoc when an error or incompleteness is noticed.