

49 record(s)
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  • This dataset contains the administrative units for the organisation of elections, within their boundaries as established by Annex I of the Electoral Code.

  • Points Of Interest - Natural elements contains point elements relating to nature, namely remarkable trees and underground cavities in Belgium.

  • POI

    This dataset contains a set of Points Of Interest (POI) indicating the location of places of interest in Belgium, collected by NGI. The dataset consists of 97 POI types grouped into 6 classes (natural elements, cult elements, patrimonial elements, elements of general interest, infrastructures, economy). POI types that have a link with the NGI topographic reference data are systematically monitored to ensure consistency between these data. But for other POI types, there is no guarantee of completeness and correctness. These are updated ad hoc when an error or incompleteness is noticed.

  • Landuse-Particular Zone is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Particular zones" layer originated from the Top10vector product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium . It includes the "ExistingLandUseDataSet" features and the "ExistingLandUseObject" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • The Royal Observatory of Belgium maintains several continuously observing GNSS tracking stations in Belgium. The stations are also belonging to EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) used to maintain the ETRS89 and the observation data are available to the public through

  • Points Of Interest - Infrastructures interest contains point elements indicating the location of a infrastructure, such as a container depot, incinerator, brunnel (bridges and tunnels), rail traffic, subway access, subway and tram stops, heli- and airport, control tower, light mast, lighthouse, water tower, flashing-lamp, breakwater, harbour area, marina, ship lift, dock, embankment, sluice, stilt structure and water point in Belgium.

  • Top10Vector – Local topography is the data set of the Belgian orography. This data set includes eight classes. First class: earth banks. Second class: additional geometry of the slope surface. Third class: dune zone. Fourth class: historic mounds. Fifht class: cave entrances. Sixth class: cone-shaped slag heap. Seventh class: steep. Eightth class: embanlments. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.

  • Top10Vector – Hydrography is the data set of the Belgian hydrography. This data set includes six classes. First class: waterway kilometre markers of the Belgian navigable waterways. Second class: watercourse surfaces. Third class: watercourse segments. Fourth class: water points, which means points where the water arrives at the surface or disappears into the subsoil. Fifth class: wetlands, which means zones where the soil is saturated or regularly flooded. Sixth class: water surfaces. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.

  • MapIndex is a regular grid of rectangular or square cells coded with alphanumeric characters. It has been defined for the Belgian territory and allows geolacating several events. The present version is a beta (v2)version which is submitted to the emergency services. It will evolve to a standard cartographic grid.

  • The entities included in the dataset represent the Belgian hydrographic network in the sense of the Inspire European directive. The dataset comprises one sole WaterCourseLink class and is in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications. The WaterwayLink class represents, in a linear manner, all of the waterways in the Belgian hydrographic network.