Contact for the resource

National Geographic Institute

92 record(s)
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  • The national wastewater-based epidemiological surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 monitors the SARS-CoV-2 presence in several wastewater treatment plants across Belgium. This download service contains the results per treatment plant since the beginning of the surveillance in September 2020. The results consist in the SARS-CoV2 concentrations over time as well as other data needed for the interpretations such as the flow rates of the treatment plants and their covering populations.

  • Buildings is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Constructions" layer originated from the Top10vector product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium . It includes the "Building" features and the "OtherConstruction" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • Geodetic markers of which the 3D coordinates are precisely known in common Belgian reference systems.

  • The product is made of 6 "high resolution layers" covering all the Belgian territory as part of a European-wide coverage. The 6 layers concern 6 distinct themes: Imperviousness, Tree cover density, Forest type, Permanent grasslands, Wetlands and Permanent waterbodies. The 6 layers were produced by an automatic classification based on satellite images and collateral data and achieved by private companies (EEA service providers), and they were verified and enhanced by Belgium. At the Belgian level, verification and enhancements were made by AGIV for the northern part and SPW for the southern part. The NGI coordinated the project.

  • Natura 2000 (N2K) is a network of core breeding and resting sites for rare and threatened species, as well as for some rare natural habitat types which are protected in their own right. It stretches across all 28 EU countries, both on land and at sea. The aim of the network is to ensure the long-term survival of Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats that are listed under the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive. This dataset contains the sites in Belgium.

  • Points Of Interest - Infrastructures interest contains point elements indicating the location of a infrastructure, such as a container depot, incinerator, brunnel (bridges and tunnels), rail traffic, subway access, subway and tram stops, heli- and airport, control tower, light mast, lighthouse, water tower, flashing-lamp, breakwater, harbour area, marina, ship lift, dock, embankment, sluice, stilt structure and water point in Belgium.

  • Top50Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1:50 000. The images come from the symbolisation of the objects and the themes in the topo-geographic inventory of the Belgian territory (ITGI), which is built and kept up-to-date by the NGI. It can be used for on-screen viewing or printed on scales between 1:25 000 and 1:50 000 (recommended threshold values). Top50Map is meant for regional use.

  • The European Urban Atlas provides reliable, inter-comparable, high-resolution land use and land cover data for 800 Functional Urban Area (FUA) for the 2012 reference year in EEA39 countries. This datasets contains the FUA for Belgium (Antwerpen, Brugge, Bruxelles_Brussel, Charleroi, Gent, Kortrijk, Leuven, Liege, Mons, Namur and Oostende).

  • The DTM is a homogeneous and regular point grid indicating the height of the ground level in order to model its surface. The DTM 1m is achieved by interpolating in Lambert 2008 source data in Lambert 72 and at a 1m-resolution from the Flemish and Brussels regions, and by adding Lambert 2008 data at 1m-resolution from the Walloon Region. The DTM 5m has an additional source, namely drawn structure lines and points adapted during systematic and continuous update by photogrammetric surveys. The DTM 20m is obtained by resampling of the DTM 1m.

  • The web application G-DOC provides information on all Belgian geodetic reference points. These points can be used as starting points or checkpoints to determine coordinates according to the national reference systems. three groups of geodetic reference points are available: 3D points, altimetric points and planimetric points.