

39 record(s)
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  • The entities included in the dataset represent the physical network in the sense of the Inspire European directive. The dataset comprises several classes and is in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications. The Wetland class represents poorly drained or periodically flooded portions of land, the soil of which is saturated with water but where vegetation is nevertheless able to develop. The StandingWater class represents flooded areas that are, nevertheless, completely surrounded by land.

  • Categories  

    Administrative Units - INSPIRE corresponds to the dataset of the Belgian administrative units that complies with the INSPIRE specifications. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains administrative units and the second class contains administrative boundaries. The class are composed of the following administrative level: Kingdom, Regions, Provinces, and arrondissements, and municipalities. The entire dataset can be downloaded via the ad hoc WFS.

  • The INSPIRE contour lines used for a cartographic representation of the relief at scale 1:50000, a product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium. The dataset features are in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • Categories  

    The earthquake catalogue and database of the Royal Observatory of Belgium contains source parameters of earthquakes that occurred in and around Belgium since 1350. Similar to most other seismic catalogues in the world, the ROB catalogue is heterogeneous, as it is based on the analysis of two different types of data: - Historical data: concern the period from about 1350 to 1910, for which only local reports about damage and felt effects (i.e. intensity) of earthquakes are available (“macroseismic” observations); - Instrumental data: concern the period from 1911 onward, the year continuous seismic recordings in Belgium started, up to the present day. For earthquakes during this period both intensity data (from macroseismic enquiries with the local authorities and, since 2000, on the internet) and seismic recordings are available. The earthquake catalogue is a list of earthquakes with the following parameters: origin time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second), geographic coordinates of the hypocenter (latitude, longitude, focal depth), magnitude (local magnitude ML, surface-wave magnitude Ms and/or moment magnitude Mw), maximum observed intensity, and the name of the locality. The ROB catalogue is considered to be complete: - Since 1350 for earthquakes with Mw>=5.0; - Since 1905 for earthquakes with Mw>=4.0 (seismic station in Uccle and neighboring countries); - Since 1960 for earthquakes with Mw>=3.0 (4 stations in Belgium); - Since 1985 for earthquakes with Mw>=2.0 (modern digital network consisting of 20+ stations).

  • Buildings is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Constructions" layer originated from the Top10vector product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium . It includes the "Building" features and the "OtherConstruction" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • The entities included in dataset represent the Belgian waterway transport network in the sense of the Inspire European directive. The dataset comprises several classes and is in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications. The class represents, in a linear manner, all of the waterway links between each pair of dots for the network considered. In addition to this is one class without geometry. The RestrictionForWaterCehicles class specifies for each segment the maximum tonnage of the building using the segment.

  • The data set contains a seamless polygonal layer representing the land cover in Belgium for the year 2018. The dataset is INSPIRE compliant.

  • Categories  

    Cadastral Parcels - INSPIRE corresponds to the dataset of Belgian plan cadastral parcels complying with INSPIRE specifications. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains cadastral zoning and the second class contains cadastral parcel. The entire dataset can be downloaded via the ad hoc WFS.

  • Categories  

    This web service provides a download per object of the dataset Cadastral parcels - INSPIRE. . This webservice complies with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • The entities included in the dataset represent the Belgian road transport network in the sense of the Inspire European directive. The dataset comprises several classes. The RoadLink class represents, in a linear manner, all of the road links between each pair of dots for the network considered. The footpaths, cycle paths or carriageways that connect the pairs of dots correspond to as many entities in the class. The RoadServiceArea class represents the sections of space devoted to auxiliary road transport functions, such as service stations or rest areas. In addition to this are two classes without geometry. RoadWidth class describes in metres the width of each segment of the "road links" class. The "functional importance" class ranks the segments of the "road links" class by functional importance on the road transport network.