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UV Index derived from spectral measurements with a Brewer UV spectrophotometer. This product is not publically available yet.
The number of private households according to official statistics, per administrative unit (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.
Real estate sales - Profile of the buyers corresponds to the dataset describing the profile of the buyers (natural persons) of real estate. This dataset is composed of seven classes. The first class shows, at the national level, for each cadastral nature and by price range the number of real estate property that was sold as well as the number of buyers broken down by age and gender categories. The second class includes this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, arrondissements, municipalities, cadastral divisions and statistical sectors. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped CSV.
Share of the cadastral surface area that is artificially developed in the cadastral surface area and not unknown to the administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia
The ratio of the number of people aged over 80 to the number of people aged over 65 according to official statistics, per administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders
The average household size of private households by administrative unit (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.
Characteristics of the cadastral parcels - Exemption from withholding tax on immovable property corresponds to the dataset describing the parcels exempted from withholding tax on immovable property. The first class shows, at the national level, the number of parcels per exemption category, the total amount of cadastral income of these parcels, their surface area as well as the median cadastral income of each category. The second class includes this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, arrondissements, municipalities, cadastral divisions and statistical sectors. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped CSV.
The climatological network contains about 200 stations spread over the whole country. It consists of voluntary observers recruited by the RMI, professional observers of Skeyes (civil aviation) or the Air Force (military aviation) and civil servants of the state, communities or private companies. The observers measure the amount of rain fallen in the last 24 hours in the pluviometer of the RMI every morning at 8 o‘clock. In more than half of the stations the extreme air temperatures are also recorded by reading the maximum and minimum temperature in a standardized weather shelter. The observers send their observations either on a daily or on a monthly basis to RMI. This product is not publicly available yet.
Owner occupants corresponds to the dataset relating to persons domiciled in a property over which they, or a member of their family, exercise a right in rem such as recorded by the FPS Finance for registration purposes. This dataset is composed of seven classes. The first class mentions, at national level, for each age-gender combination, by type of right in rem, the number of natural persons having such a right on their home. The lack of right in rem corresponds here to a fictitious right in rem in order to identify individuals who do not have rights on their home. The second class includes this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, districts, municipalities, land register divisions and statistical sectors. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped CSV.
Real estate transactions corresponds to the dataset describing transactions of real rights on real estate property such as recorded by the FPS Finance for registration purposes.This dataset is composed of seven classes. The first class shows, at the national level, for each cadastral nature and for each type of transaction, the number of parcels concerned by a transaction as well as market values of these transactions. The second class includes this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, arrondissements, municipalities, cadastral divisions and statistical sectors. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped CSV.