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  • Geodetic markers of which the 3D coordinates are precisely known in common Belgian reference systems.

  • Hourly forecasts for each belgian commune, from current hour up to the next 5 days. This product is not publically available.

  • The data set contains a seamless polygonal layer representing the land cover in Belgium for the year 2012 and the year 2018. The polygons are spread over 32 classes from the CORINE Land Cover legend which are present un Belgium. The minimum map unit is 25 ha. The conceptual scale is 1:100 000. The data set also contains a polygon layer showing changes of more than 5 ha in the land cover between 2012 and 2018.

  • Govroam is a " wifi roaming " solution. This service offers to the users a simple and secure access to the wireless network of their institution, but also to networks of other participating institutions. A user from an organization that participates in govroam will be able to connect to any wireless access point broadcasting govroam. The data provided here makes it possible to locate these access points.

  • This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 6, criterion 5. It comprises three datasets used to assess the sea floor integrity for ensuring a proper functioning of the ecosystem.The dataset on the study of the fauna associated with cobble fields (hard substrates) describes the gravel analysis performed in the Belgian part of the North Sea between 2015 and 2017. Information on the location, date and procedure used for the sediment sampling is provided as well as the description of species found in the samples.The occurrence of important benthic species. The status of benthic habitats (soft substrates).

  • This web service provides the download per object of the datasets Administrative units - current situation and Land register plan - current situation. This webservice does not comply with the INSPIRE specifications, and the datasets to which it gives access do not comply with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 10, criterion 1. The seafloor dataset describes the litter gathered between 2012 and 2014 during beam trawl (BTS) fishery surveys in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS). It provides the date, location and haul information, type of litter found and information in the size of the items. Additionally the ship name and cruise references are reported. The data is recorded following ICES guidelines allowing future inclusion in the ICES online database DATRAS (Database of Trawl Survery). The sludge dataset describes the litter found between 2013 and 2016 on dredge disposal sites located in the coastal area of the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS). It provides the date, location, amount and type of litter as well as methodological information (e.g. mesh size). Additionally, the ship name and cruise references are reported. The beach litter dataset contains information on beach litter for the period 2012-2016 washed ashore on two reference beaches (Oostende Halve Maan & Oostende Raversijde). 40 surveys (100m transects) have been executed until January 2017. Monitoring & data recording has been done according to the OSPAR Guideline for Monitoring Marine Litter on the beaches in the OSPAR maritime area (OSPAR, 2010). Besides the number of litter items, the category is also noted. The dataset is characterized by a high variation in the number of items. The data are reported to OSPAR beach litter database. Conclusions: see

  • The Royal Observatory of Belgium maintains several continuously observing GNSS tracking stations in Belgium. The stations are also belonging to EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) used to maintain the ETRS89 and the observation data are available to the public through

  • This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 1, criterion 2. The Raja clavata dataset describes the results of the Offshore Beam Trawl Surveys (BTS) in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) between 2010 and 2017. Occurrences of Raja Clavata, along with dates and locations, are reported. The codes used in the attached file are based on the ICES DATRAS (Database of Trawl Surveys) standard. The seabirds dataset describes the density of seabirds (N birds/km) observed in the BPNS between 1987 and 2016 (three surveys a year).

  • The "Aeronautical Obstacle Evaluation Map for Belgium" allows to know whether advice is required for a construction or structure that, due to its height, may have an influence on aviation: if the planned construction or structure exceeds the height indicated on the map, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport should be requested for advice, according to the procedure on The height indicated on the map is determined by the federal ministers responsible for Civil Aviation and Defence. This height is determined in order to protect the civil and military aerodromes, the visual aviation routes, the military aviation areas and the civil and military aeronautical installations for communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS). Consequently, the use of this map allows the application of the following Regulation : Regulation (EC) N° 1108/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 in the field of aerodromes, air traffic management and air navigation services and repealing Directive 2006/23/EC. In the Flemish Region the use of this chart allows the application of the article 35 §16 of “het besluit van de Vlaamse Regering van 27 november 2015 tot uitvoering van het decreet van 25 april 2014 betreffende de omgevingsvergunning”. The same data limited to the flemish Region are available on the Digitaal Vlaanderen website.