Land cover
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Top10Vector – Land cover and vegetation is the vector data set of the land use of unbuilt land areas in Belgium. This data set includes three classes. First class: dry and unbuilt areas or areas not used as roads. Second class: hedges. Third class: linear vegetation. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
Top10Vector – Local topography is the data set of the Belgian orography. This data set includes eight classes. First class: earth banks. Second class: additional geometry of the slope surface. Third class: dune zone. Fourth class: historic mounds. Fifht class: cave entrances. Sixth class: cone-shaped slag heap. Seventh class: steep. Eightth class: embanlments. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
The Copernicus Urban Atlas (UA) provides European, comparable and detailed land use and land cover maps for the main Functional Urban Areas (FUAs). The Urban Atlas Street Tree Layer (UA-STL) is a separate layer of the Urban Atlas 2012. It includes contiguous rows or patches of trees covering 500 m² or more with a minimum width of 10 m within the urban mask of the Urban Atlas 2012. Gaps between tree patches or within a larger patch that are less than 10m wide are included in the Street Tree Layer. There is no thematic content other than the presence or absence of trees. The UA-STL is a new product and no accuracy threshold was provided as part of the Urban Atlas specifications. The UA STL product validated currently covers just over 7% of the total UA2012 area.
The product is made of 5 "high resolution layers" covering all the Belgian territory as part of a European-wide coverage for the reference year 2015. The 5 layers concern 4 distinct themes: Imperviousness, Forest, Grasslands, Wetness and Water. The 5 layers were produced by an automatic classification based on satellite images and collateral data and achieved by private companies (EEA service providers), and they were verified by Belgium. At the Belgian level, verification and enhancements were made by IV for the northern part and SPW for the outhern part. The NGI coordinated the project. Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme DISCLAIMER: National Geographic Institute has undertaken to distribute the data on behalf of EEA under Specific Contract No 3436/R0-Copernicus/EEA.57005 implementing Framework service contract No EEA/IDM/R0/16/009/Belgium. National Geographic Institute accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the content and use of these data.” The European Environment Agency accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site and the information does not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the EEA or other European Communities bodies and institutions.
Natura 2000 (N2K) is a network of core breeding and resting sites for rare and threatened species, as well as for some rare natural habitat types which are protected in their own right. It stretches across all 28 EU countries, both on land and at sea. The aim of the network is to ensure the long-term survival of Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats that are listed under the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive. This dataset contains the sites in Belgium.
This web service allows downloading datasets from CORINE Land Cover-2018-Belgium, compliant with the INSPIRE data specifications
CORINE Local Components is an INSPIRE compliant WMS service showing 4 "Local component products" covering the Belgian territory within the framework of a Pan-European coverage. The 4 layers cover 4 different products: Urban Atlas 2012, Urban Atlas 2012 Street Tree Layer, Riparian Zones and Natura2000.
Top250Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1:250 000. It is the smallest scale used by the NGI to produce a cartographic representation of Belgium. It focuses mainly on inhabited places and transport networks. The whole territory is available in one single file. This map is characterized by the great number of toponyms of inhabited places.
This web service allows viewing CORINE High Resolution Layers Belgium covering the Belgian territory within the framework of a Pan-European coverage. This service is compliant with the INSPIRE specifications.
Landcover100Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1 :100 000. The images come from the symbolisation of the objects and the themes in the topo-geographic inventory of the Belgian territory (ITGI), which is built and kept up-to-date by the NGI. Landcover100Map is meant for a regional use on a larger scale than the one for Top50Map, typically on the scale of a province. The land use theme is very salient in this topographic cartography. The relief is represented by shadowing.