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  • Land register plan - situation on January 1st corresponds to the dataset of land register from the reference database for the land register data CadGIS. The land register plan is one of the elements that make up the patrimonial documentation. It is defined as “the graphic representation and assembling on a plan of all the cadastral plan parcels of the Belgian territory”. A plan parcel, such as defined in Article 2 of the Royal Decree of 30 July 2018, is a part of Belgian territory, geographically delimited and identified by the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation on the land register plan, which corresponds to the ground surface area of one or more patrimonial cadastral parcel(s) (real estate property as mentioned in Article 472 of the 1992 Income Tax Code in respect of which the cadastral income is fixed). This dataset corresponds to the legal situation as defined on 1 January of the reference year. It is composed of thirteen geometric classes and one class without geometry. The first class includes the cadastral plan parcels present in the corresponding administrative unit. The second class includes the buildings managed by the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation, the third class includes the buildings managed by the regions, the fourth class includes equipment and tools, the fifth class includes water bodies, the sixth class includes cadastral blocks, the seventh, easements and paths, the eighth, toponymic lines, the ninth, toponymic points, the tenth, property boundaries, the eleventh, parcel numbers, the twelfth, cadastral divisions, and finally, the thirteenth, cadastral limits. The class without geometry corresponds to the table of tax situations. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped shapefiles.

  • Buildings is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Constructions" layer originated from the Top10vector product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium . It includes the "Building" features and the "OtherConstruction" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • Land register plan - current situation corresponds to the dataset of land register from the reference database for the land register data CadGIS. The land register plan is one of the elements that make up the patrimonial documentation. It is defined as “the graphic representation and assembling on a plan of all the cadastral plan parcels of the Belgian territory”. A plan parcel, such as defined in Article 2 of the Royal Decree of 30 July 2018, is a part of Belgian territory, geographically delimited and identified by the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation on the land register plan, which corresponds to the ground surface area of one or more patrimonial cadastral parcel(s) (real estate property as mentioned in Article 472 of the 1992 Income Tax Code in respect of which the cadastral income is fixed). This dataset corresponds to the current situation at the time of consultation. It is composed of fourteen geometric layers. The first five are the administrative units, namely the country, the regions, the provinces, the districts and the municipalities. The sixth and seventh layers correspond to the cadastral units, divisions and sections. the eighth layer includes the cadastral blocks, the ninth, the property stones, the tenth, the addresses, the eleventh, the polders and wateringues, the twelfth, the cadastral plan parcels, the thirteenth the buildings managed by the AGDP, and the fourteenth, buildings managed by the regions. The dataset is freely downloadable via the ad hoc WFS.

  • Points Of Interest - Elements of general interest contains point elements that are classified as being of general interest, namely embassies, (federal, regional, provincial, municipality) buildings, Govroam, court houses, prisons, police stations, post offices, education, sports buildings and infrastructure, cultural places and centres, libraries and archives, attraction-, recreation-, water- and wildlife parks, camp sites, museum, provincial domains, observatory, observation points, swimming pools, chemist's, crematorium, fire station, civil defence and healthcare in Belgium.

  • Points Of Interest - Infrastructures interest contains point elements indicating the location of a infrastructure, such as a container depot, incinerator, brunnel (bridges and tunnels), rail traffic, subway access, subway and tram stops, heli- and airport, control tower, light mast, lighthouse, water tower, flashing-lamp, breakwater, harbour area, marina, ship lift, dock, embankment, sluice, stilt structure and water point in Belgium.

  • POI

    This dataset contains a set of Points Of Interest (POI) indicating the location of places of interest in Belgium, collected by NGI. The dataset consists of 97 POI types grouped into 6 classes (natural elements, cult elements, patrimonial elements, elements of general interest, infrastructures, economy). POI types that have a link with the NGI topographic reference data are systematically monitored to ensure consistency between these data. But for other POI types, there is no guarantee of completeness and correctness. These are updated ad hoc when an error or incompleteness is noticed.