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  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by municipality in Belgium on January 1st, according to the Belgian definition of the population. The Belgian definition does not take into account the 12-months criterion and excludes asylum seekers. More information at

  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by 1 km² square grid cell in Belgium on January 1st, according to the European definition of the population. The European definition takes into account the 12-months criterion and includes asylum seekers. More information at

  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by statistical sector in Belgium on January 1st, according to the Belgian definition of the population. The Belgian definition does not take into account the 12-months criterion and excludes asylum seekers. More information at

  • Population density and area of administrative entities (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The number of inhabitants according to official statistics per age group of 5 years and gender by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The number of inhabitants according to official statistics by age group (<20 years, >=65 years, >=80 years) and by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The number of inhabitants on January 1 according to the official definition of the population, by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The data set includes three types of breakdown: Cities, Larger Urban zones or Functional Urban areas. BE_StatisticsBelgium_SH_SU_UA_CITY presents in the form of polygons the borders of the Belgian cities participating to the Urban Audit of the European Commission. Some cities consist in only one municipality (LAU2) while the others are the result of the aggregation of several municipalities (LAU2). Several versions of the breakdown (2001, 2002, 2010, 2019) follow one another because over the years new cities have taken part in it. The files can be linked to the statistical data collected for the Urban Audit. BE_StatisticsBelgium_SH_SU_UA_LUZ and BE_StatisticsBelgium_SH_SU_UA_FUA present in the form of polygons the areas of influence of the Urban Audit cities on the surrounding municipalities. The initial concept of Larger Urban Zones (LUZ) was replaced by the concept of Functional Urban areas (FUA) to take into account the movement of workers to the Urban Audit cities. LUZ / FUA are an aggregation of municipalities (LAU2). Several versions of the breakdown (2001, 2002, 2010, 2019) follow one another because over the years new LUZ / FUA have appeared or have seen their extension modified. The files can be linked to the statistical data collected for the Urban Audit.

  • Deze web-service verzekert de visualisatie van de gegevens van de DG Statistiek van de FOD Economie, conform aan de specificaties van INSPIRE. De datasets waarvan de structuur conform de specificaties van INSPIRE zijn, zijn opgenomen.

  • The number of private households according to official statistics, per administrative unit (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.