
Population and society

23 record(s)
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  • Foreign real estate - Owners' profile corresponds to the dataset describing the profile of Belgian taxpayers (natural persons) holding real estate abroad. This dataset is composed of five classes. The first shows, at national level, by age and sex category, the number of individuals holding a real right that allows enjoyment over foreign property, the total number of foreign properties held by these individuals, and the number of properties by foreign country or territory. The number of properties takes into account the shares actually held. The second class presents this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same for provinces, arrondissements and communes. The dataset is freely downloadable as zipped CSV files.

  • Foreign real estate - Property characteristics corresponds to the dataset of foreign real estate held by belgian taxpayers as declared to the FPS Finance (only the holders of rights allowing the enjoyment of the property are taken into account). This dataset consists of one class. This class includes, for each foreign country or territory, the number of properties in each category, the total cadastral income of these properties, the median cadastral income of each category, as well as the 25 and 75 percentiles of the cadastral income of each category.

  • Owners' origin - Natural persons corresponds to the dataset describing the origin of the natural persons holders of real rights over immovable properties located in Belgium according to the municipality of residence for residents and according to the country or territory of residence for the non-residents. This dataset is made up of seven classes. The first class shows, at national level, for each type of property, the total number of parcels, the number of parcels held by holders from each Belgian municipality and the number of parcels held by holders from each country or territory. The number of parcels takes into account the shares actually held. The second class shows this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, arrondissements, municipalities, land register divisions and statistical sectors. The dataset is freely downloadable, in the form of zipped CSV files.

  • Distribution of real estate assets - real estate companies corresponds to the dataset relating to the distribution of real estate assets owned by legal entities such as recorded by the FPS Finance for tax purposes. This dataset is composed of eight classes. The first class mentions, at national level, for each cadastral income bracket, the number of legal entities with real estate activity (that is to say, registered under the code L of NACE nomenclature) and with real estate capital valued in the relevant bracket as well as the total and median cadastral income of the parcels held by these entities. The assessment of the cadastral income takes into account the shares actually held. The second class includes this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, districts, municipalities, land register divisions and statistical sectors. The last class includes this information at the level of the countries for the legal entities which are not settled in Belgium but wich are nevertheless reigstred at the Carrefour Banque of the Entreprises.The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped CSV.

  • Distribution of real estate assets - Natural persons corresponds to the dataset relating to the distribution of real estate assets owned by natural persons such as recorded by the FPS Finance for tax purposes. This dataset is composed of eight classes. The first class mentions, at national level, for each age-gender combination, by cadastral income bracket, the number of natural persons with real estate capital valued in the relevant bracket as well as the total and median cadastral income of the parcels held by these persons. The assessment of the cadastral income takes into account the shares actually held. The second class includes this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, districts, municipalities, land register divisions and statistical sectors. The last class includes this information at the level of the countries for the natural persons which are not settled in Belgium but wich are nevertheless reigstred in the National Reistry.The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped CSV.

  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by municipality in Belgium on January 1st, according to the Belgian definition of the population. The Belgian definition does not take into account the 12-months criterion and excludes asylum seekers. More information at

  • The number of inhabitants on January 1 according to the official definition of the population, by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 1, criterion 3. Occurrence of breeding seabirds describes the observation of eight seabird species (Common tern, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Common Gull, Small Black-backed Gull, Yellow-legged gull, Big Stern and Little Stern) on the Belgian coast between 1992 and 2015.

  • The number of inhabitants according to official statistics per age group of 5 years and gender by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by 1 km² square grid cell in Belgium on January 1st, according to the European definition of the population. The European definition takes into account the 12-months criterion and includes asylum seekers. More information at