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INSPIRE themes
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This web service provides a download per object of the dataset Cadastral parcels - INSPIRE. . This webservice complies with the INSPIRE specifications.
This web service provides a display of the dataset Cadastral parcels - INSPIRE. This webservice complies with the INSPIRE specifications and is available in several formats. It is recommended to use the PNG format.
Network of marks whose planimetric coordinates are known with precision according to the reference systems which are used in Belgium.
Top10Vector – Constructions is the vector data set of constructions in Belgium. It includes seven classes. First class: brunnels. Second class: buildings. Third class: particular line constructions. Fourth class: particular polygonal constructions. Fifht class: particular point constructions. Sixth class: towers on buildings. Seventh class: additional polygon geometries. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
The web application G-DOC provides information on all Belgian geodetic reference points. These points can be used as starting points or checkpoints to determine coordinates according to the national reference systems. three groups of geodetic reference points are available: 3D points, altimetric points and planimetric points.
Top10Vector – Land cover and vegetation is the vector data set of the land use of unbuilt land areas in Belgium. This data set includes three classes. First class: dry and unbuilt areas or areas not used as roads. Second class: hedges. Third class: linear vegetation. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
Top10Vector – Particular zones is the vector data set of portions of the Belgian territory having a particular attribution which makes them different from the objects in the other Top10Vector-themes. This data set includes only one class. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
This web service allows dowload ROB datasets. This service is compliant with the INSPIRE specifications.
MapIndex is a regular grid of rectangular or square cells coded with alphanumeric characters. It has been defined for the Belgian territory and allows geolacating several events. The present version is a beta (v2)version which is submitted to the emergency services. It will evolve to a standard cartographic grid.
This web service allows viewing ROB datasets. This service is compliant with the INSPIRE specifications.