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Top10Vector – High tension network is the vector data set of the high tension network in Belgium. It includes two classes. First class: high tension line segments. Second class: power pylons. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
This web service allows viewing/downloading datasets from Electricity network
INSPIRE compliant download service (ATOM) for geographic information of the Marine Spatial Plan made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).
INSPIRE compliant download service (WFS) for geographic information of the datasets of the Marine Strategic Framework Directive made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).
INSPIRE compliant download service (WFS) for geographic information of the core sample collection made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).
INSPIRE compliant view service for geographic information of the core sample collection made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).
INSPIRE compliant view service for geographic information of the datasets of the Marine Strategic Framework Directive made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).
INSPIRE compliant download service (ATOM) for geographic information of the datasets of the Marine Strategic Framework Directive made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).
This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 7, criterion 1. This dataset describes the impact of an offshore windmills farm on the hydrodynamics in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS). Originally, it is a NetCDF file with the results of the reference simulation made with the COHERENS (COupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for REgioNal Shelf seas) hydrodynamic model only forced by tides (no wind effect). Model resolution : ~ 12.5m. It contains both the reference situation which is a simulation without any windmill and the modeling result of the influence by the windmills on the hydrodynamic in the BPNS. The dataset contains the results on the most inner nested grid level for one reference spring-neap cycle: - hourly sea surface elevation - hourly bottom shear stress - hourly 3D horizontal velocity components (u,v) - hourly 3D eddy viscosity - time-averaged bottom shear stress over the reference spring-neap cycle - percentile 90 of the bottom shear stress for the reference spring-neap cycle - percentile 90 of the specific kinetic energy at the sea bed - accumulated time during which sedimentation processes are dominant - accumulated time during which re-suspension processes are dominant.
This dataset represents the exact location of electrical cables installed in the Belgian Part of the North Sea, including these for for the wind farms.