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  • Hourly warnings of dangerous meteorological phenomena (wind, rain, ice or snow, fog, storm surge, thunderstorm) issued by the RMI, based on the estimated impact. This product is not publically available yet.

  • Weather Model 'Alaro' A numerical forecast model is a computer program that simulates the evolution of the atmosphere. Available parameters : Temperature, Max. temperature, Min. temperature, Dewpoint temperature, Wet-bulb potential temperature, Cloud cover (low, medium, high, tot.), U and V wind component, U, V and vertical velocity, Stationary boundary layer (SBL) Gust, Total precipitation, Large scale rain, Convective rain, Large scale snow, Convective snow, Relative Humidity, Specific humidity, Geopotential, Mean sea level pressure, Orography, freezing level / 0°C isotherm, Convective available potential energy (CAPE)

  • Weather model INCA. Available parameters : 2m Temperature, 2m Dewpoint, 2m Relative Humidity, Snowfall level, Freezing level, 3D Temperature, 3D Humidity, 3D Wind, 10m Wind, 10m Gusts, Ground temperature, Wind chill, Precipitation, Precipitation type, Lightning, Collection of convective analysis fields:CAPE, CIN, LCL, Level of free convection,Lifted Index, Showalter Index, Deep ConvectionIndex, Trigger temperature, Trigger temperaturedeficit, Equivalent Pot. temperature, Moistureconvergence, Flow divergence, Precipitable water, Cloudiness, Visibility. This product is not publicly available yet

  • Daily forecasts for each belgian commune, from current day up to the next 7 days. This product is not publically available.

  • Hourly forecasts for each belgian commune, from current hour up to the next 5 days. This product is not publically available.