
Sea regions

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  • INSPIRE compliant download service (ATOM) for geographic information of the datasets of the Marine Strategic Framework Directive made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).

  • INSPIRE compliant download service (WFS) for geographic information of the datasets of the Marine Strategic Framework Directive made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).

  • INSPIRE compliant view service for geographic information of marine datasets made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS) in the IDOD (Integrated and Dynamical Oceanographic Database) database.

  • INSPIRE compliant download service (ATOM) for geographic information of the Marine Spatial Plan made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).

  • INSPIRE compliant view service for geographic information of the datasets of the Marine Strategic Framework Directive made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS).

  • This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 6, criterion 2. This dataset describes and maps the physical disturbance to the seabed in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) between 2011 and 2016. The dataset combines different layers of human activities leading to a disturbance of the seabed, including power cables with its rock dump, dredging and dumping, extraction, war ammunition stocking and wind farms. The area disturbed is mapped and quantified per year, per activity and per benthic broad habitat.

  • INSPIRE compliant download service for geographic information of marine datasets made available by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS) in the IDOD (Integrated and Dynamical Oceanographic Database) database.

  • This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 4, criterion 2. Three distinct datasets are published for this criterion.'Occurrence of breeding seabirds' describes the observation of eight seabird species (Common tern, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Common Gull, Small Black-backed Gull, Yellow-legged gull, Big Stern and Little Stern) on the Belgian coast between 1992 and 2015. 'Density of seabirds' describes the density of seabirds (N birds/km) observed at large in the Belgian part of the North Sea between 1987 and 2016 (three surveys a year). Thirteen species are monitored and the evolution of each species density is shown as diagrams.'Occurrence of important benthic species' describes the results of Van Veen sampling campaigns performed between 2009 and 2014 in the Belgian part of the North Sea. Benthic species are counted and identified (e.g. Annelida, Echinodermata,..).

  • This dataset is part of the Belgian submission for the 2018 Marine Strategic Framework Directive (MSFD) and reports on descriptor 1, criterion 6. This dataset describes the soft benthos analysis performed in the Belgian part of the North Sea between 2010 and 2016. Information on the location, date and procedure used for the sediment sampling is povided as well as the description of the species found in the samples. Based on this dataset, the Belgian MSFD reporting concluded that the benthic habitat quality is clearly lower in areas where a certain activity interferes with the environment in an intensive way.

  • This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 1, criterion 3. Occurrence of breeding seabirds describes the observation of eight seabird species (Common tern, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Common Gull, Small Black-backed Gull, Yellow-legged gull, Big Stern and Little Stern) on the Belgian coast between 1992 and 2015.