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  • This web service allows viewing datasets from Buildings

  • TopoMaps is a WMS allowing visualizing all images corresponding to the standard topographic cartographies made by the National Geographic Institute. As a result, it allows viewing cartographies on a 1:25 000 scale (Top25Map), on a 1:50 000 scale (Top50Map), on a 1:100 000 scale (Landcover100Map) and on a 1:250 000 scale (Top250Map), as well as the administrative map (AdminMap). With the exception of the administrative map, the cartographies show all themes of the topo-geographic inventory of the Belgian territory (ITGI) which is made and kept up-to-date by the National Geographic Institute: land use, transport, hydrography, buildings and constructions, relief, map lettering and toponyms.

  • Top10Vector – Particular zones is the vector data set of portions of the Belgian territory having a particular attribution which makes them different from the objects in the other Top10Vector-themes. This data set includes only one class. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.

  • Categories  

    This web service provides the display of the datasets Administrative units - current situation and Land register plan - current situation. This webservice does not comply with the INSPIRE specifications, and the datasets to which it gives access do not comply with the INSPIRE specifications. This web service is available in several formats. It is recommended to use the PNG format.

  • Top10Vector – Constructions is the vector data set of constructions in Belgium. It includes seven classes. First class: brunnels. Second class: buildings. Third class: particular line constructions. Fourth class: particular polygonal constructions. Fifht class: particular point constructions. Sixth class: towers on buildings. Seventh class: additional polygon geometries. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.

  • Buildings is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Constructions" layer originated from the Top10vector product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium . It includes the "Building" features and the "OtherConstruction" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.