
Administrative, statistical and cadastral units

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    This web service provides a download per object of the Administrative Units -INSPIRE dataset. This webservice complies with the INSPIRE specifications.

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    This web service provides a download per object of the dataset Cadastral parcels - INSPIRE. . This webservice complies with the INSPIRE specifications.

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    This web service provides a display of the dataset Cadastral parcels - INSPIRE. This webservice complies with the INSPIRE specifications and is available in several formats. It is recommended to use the PNG format.

  • Categories  

    This web service provides a display of the Administrative Units - INSPIRE datase This webservice complies with the INSPIRE specifications.

  • Mapindex is a WMS which allows viewing the regular index grid which has been defined on five levels for the entire Belgian territory. It has been defined in order to allow a zonal geolocation. The present version is a beta version (v2) which is submitted to the emergency services. It will evolve to a standard cartographic grid.

  • Categories  

    Administrative Units - INSPIRE corresponds to the dataset of the Belgian administrative units that complies with the INSPIRE specifications. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains administrative units and the second class contains administrative boundaries. The class are composed of the following administrative level: Kingdom, Regions, Provinces, and arrondissements, and municipalities. The entire dataset can be downloaded via the ad hoc WFS.

  • The data set presents in the form of polygons the breakdown of Belgium in almost 20,000 statistical sectors. The statistical sector is the basic territorial unit resulting from the subdivision of the territory of municipalities by STATBEL since 1970 for the dissemination of its statistics at a finer level than the municipal level. A statistical sector cannot extend over two municipalities and any point in the municipal territory is part of one and the same statistical sector. The 1970 and 1981 versions are shown in analogue format while the 2001, 2011, 2018, 2019 etc. versions are available in digital vector format. The files can be linked to the data on population, housing and disposable income on the website of Statbel.

  • This web service provides the download per object of the datasets Administrative units - current situation and Land register plan - current situation. This webservice does not comply with the INSPIRE specifications, and the datasets to which it gives access do not comply with the INSPIRE specifications.

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    Cadastral Parcels - INSPIRE corresponds to the dataset of Belgian plan cadastral parcels complying with INSPIRE specifications. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains cadastral zoning and the second class contains cadastral parcel. The entire dataset can be downloaded via the ad hoc WFS.

  • This web service allows viewingdatasets from bpost.