national boundary
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This web service allows viewing the territorial divisions that represent fully recognised Belgian geographical units. The AdminVector dataset encompasses the statistical sectors defined by the FPS Economy, the administrative units maintained by the FPS Finance and their centres, as well as the boundary stones. The datasets of the judicial cantons and judicial districts are built on the basis of their definition in the Judicial Code. The dataset of electoral cantons is built on the basis of its definition in the Electoral Code. The postal cantons dataset is based on the boundaries of the Belgian postal codes managed by bpost.
AdminVector is the vector data set of Belgian administrative and statistical units. It includes various classes. First class: Belgian statistic sectors as defined by the FPS Economy. Second class: municipal sections, with no unanimous definition. The five following classes correspond to official administrative units as managed by the FPS Finance. Other classes are added to these classes, like border markers or the Belgian maritime zone. The boundaries of the seven first classes are consolidated together in order to keep the topological cohrence of the objects. This data set can be freely downloaded.
This web service provides the display of the datasets Administrative units - current situation and Land register plan - current situation. This webservice does not comply with the INSPIRE specifications, and the datasets to which it gives access do not comply with the INSPIRE specifications. This web service is available in several formats. It is recommended to use the PNG format.
Administrative units - current situation corresponds to the dataset of administrative units from the reference database for the land register data. Administrative limits are legally defined by an administrative entity or between two administrative entities. In Belgium, administrative limits as legally defined are fixed and can only be changed by a law, ordinance or decree. The General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation of the FPS Finance is named by the federal authorities as the authentic source of Belgian administrative limits. This dataset corresponds to the current situation at the time of consultation. It is composed of five geometric classes. The first class corresponds to the whole national territory. The second corresponds to the territory of the three regions, the third to the territory of the provinces, the fourth to the territory of the administrative districts, the fifth to the territory of the municipalities. The dataset is freely downloadable via the ad hoc WFS service.
Administrative units - situation on January 1st corresponds to the dataset of administrative units from the reference database for the land register data. Administrative limits are legally defined by an administrative entity or between two administrative entities. In Belgium, administrative limits as legally defined are fixed and can only be changed by a law, ordinance or decree. The General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation of the FPS Finance is named by the federal authorities as the authentic source of Belgian administrative limits. This dataset corresponds to the legal situation as defined on January 1st of the reference year. It is composed of seven geometric classes (polygons and lines) and one class without geometry. The first class corresponds to the whole national territory. The second corresponds to the territory of the three regions, the third to the territory of the provinces, the fourth to the territory of the administrative districts, the fifth to the territory of the municipalities, the sixth to the territory of the Antwerp city districts and the seventh to the administrative boundaries in the form of lines. The class without geometry corresponds to the table of tax situations. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped shapefiles.
- is a Web Service (WMTS/WMS) containing cartographic representations covering 11 scale levels. offers a cartographic representation which has been developed specifically for on-screen viewing of the NGI’s most recent vector data sets. Three versions are available for the Belgian territory: 1) a TOPO layer containing a cartographic representation at all scales; 2) a TOPO-GREY layer, which is the symbolisation in different shades of grey and blue of the TOPO layer. It constitutes an ideal map background; 3) an OVERLAY (1:2 500 - 1:25 000) layer destined to be used as an overlay on other data (orthophotographs for instance). This layer contains the symbolisation of a few layers only. Two other layers, CROSSBORDER and CROSSBORDER-GREY, are available in order to allow viewing (only on the smallest scales 1:100 000 – 1:4 000 000) the European context of Belgium. The extent of this representation is limited and could change in the following versions. It is best to combine the CROSSBORDER layer with the TOPO layer. It is best to combine the CROSSBORDER-GREY layer with the TOPO-GREY-layer.