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  • The number of inhabitants according to official statistics by age group (<20 years, >=65 years, >=80 years) and by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by statistical sector in Belgium on January 1st, according to the Belgian definition of the population. The Belgian definition does not take into account the 12-months criterion and excludes asylum seekers. More information at

  • The number of inhabitants according to official statistics per age group of 5 years and gender by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by 1 km² square grid cell in Belgium on January 1st, according to the European definition of the population. The European definition takes into account the 12-months criterion and includes asylum seekers. More information at

  • The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by municipality in Belgium on January 1st, according to the Belgian definition of the population. The Belgian definition does not take into account the 12-months criterion and excludes asylum seekers. More information at

  • Population density and area of administrative entities (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The number of inhabitants according to official statistics by age group (<20 years, >=65 years, >=80 years) and by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.

  • Settlement area is defined here in terms of land use. Settelement area is the space occupy to live, work, relax and move around. This includes everything that seals the soil but also includes various forms of non-paved green space, such as gardens and parks or sports grounds and these are therefore not counted as open space. These indicators show the total settelement area expressed in m² and the part of the settlement area in relation to the total area per administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Flanders.

  • The number of private households according to official statistics, per administrative unit (region, province, arrondissement and municipalitiy) for Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region

  • The number of inhabitants on January 1 according to the official definition of the population, by administrative entity (region, province, district and municipality) for Wallonia.