railway network
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Top10Vector – Rail network is the data set of the railway network in Belgium. This data set includes three classes. First class: rail network kilometre markers. Second class: railway stop. Third class: railway track segments. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
This web service allows viewing the NGI data which comply with the INSPIRE specifications. It gives an overview of the INSPIRE data which are for sale.
This web service allows viewing the Belgian topographical vector data as established by the National Geographic Institute. It gives an overview of the data sets of the Top10Vector-series which can be purchased.
The entities included in the dataset represent the Belgian rail transport network in the sense of the Inspire European directive. The dataset comprises several classes and is in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications. The RailLink class represents, in a linear manner, all of the rail links between each pair of dots for the network considered. The RailwayStationNode class represents occasionally all of the stations located along the network. In addition to this are two classes without geometry. The RailwatType class ranks the segments according to the type of rail transport for which they were designed. All the segments for this dataset belong to the train category. The "RailwaytElectrification" class lists the segments according to whether they are electrified or not.
CartoWeb.be is a Web Service (WMTS/WMS) containing cartographic representations covering 11 scale levels. CartoWeb.be offers a cartographic representation which has been developed specifically for on-screen viewing of the NGI’s most recent vector data sets. Three versions are available for the Belgian territory: 1) a TOPO layer containing a cartographic representation at all scales; 2) a TOPO-GREY layer, which is the symbolisation in different shades of grey and blue of the TOPO layer. It constitutes an ideal map background; 3) an OVERLAY (1:2 500 - 1:25 000) layer destined to be used as an overlay on other data (orthophotographs for instance). This layer contains the symbolisation of a few layers only. Two other layers, CROSSBORDER and CROSSBORDER-GREY, are available in order to allow viewing (only on the smallest scales 1:100 000 – 1:4 000 000) the European context of Belgium. The extent of this representation is limited and could change in the following versions. It is best to combine the CROSSBORDER layer with the TOPO layer. It is best to combine the CROSSBORDER-GREY layer with the TOPO-GREY-layer.