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Top50Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1:50 000. The images come from the symbolisation of the objects and the themes in the topo-geographic inventory of the Belgian territory (ITGI), which is built and kept up-to-date by the NGI. It can be used for on-screen viewing or printed on scales between 1:25 000 and 1:50 000 (recommended threshold values). Top50Map is meant for regional use.
Landcover100Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1 :100 000. The images come from the symbolisation of the objects and the themes in the topo-geographic inventory of the Belgian territory (ITGI), which is built and kept up-to-date by the NGI. Landcover100Map is meant for a regional use on a larger scale than the one for Top50Map, typically on the scale of a province. The land use theme is very salient in this topographic cartography. The relief is represented by shadowing.
Weather Model 'Alaro' A numerical forecast model is a computer program that simulates the evolution of the atmosphere. Available parameters : Temperature, Max. temperature, Min. temperature, Dewpoint temperature, Wet-bulb potential temperature, Cloud cover (low, medium, high, tot.), U and V wind component, U, V and vertical velocity, Stationary boundary layer (SBL) Gust, Total precipitation, Large scale rain, Convective rain, Large scale snow, Convective snow, Relative Humidity, Specific humidity, Geopotential, Mean sea level pressure, Orography, freezing level / 0°C isotherm, Convective available potential energy (CAPE)
AdminMap is the digital version of the administrative map. Two versions exist: the most complete one on the scale of 1:300 000 and a simplified version on the scale of 1:500 000. These maps show the different administrative units on the Belgian territory, from the federal State to the center of the districts for the 1:500 000. The map also shows the map grid of the National Geographic Institute. An index allows localizing the different units. The index also contains information on the linguistic statutes and on the postal codes.