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  • AdminVector is the vector data set of Belgian administrative and statistical units. It includes various classes. First class: Belgian statistic sectors as defined by the FPS Economy. Second class: municipal sections, with no unanimous definition. The five following classes correspond to official administrative units as managed by the FPS Finance. Other classes are added to these classes, like border markers or the Belgian maritime zone. The boundaries of the seven first classes are consolidated together in order to keep the topological cohrence of the objects. This data set can be freely downloaded.

  • Categories  

    Administrative Units - INSPIRE corresponds to the dataset of the Belgian administrative units that complies with the INSPIRE specifications. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains administrative units and the second class contains administrative boundaries. The class are composed of the following administrative level: Kingdom, Regions, Provinces, and arrondissements, and municipalities. The entire dataset can be downloaded via the ad hoc WFS.

  • Under the territorial divisions are grouped different datasets that represent fully recognised Belgian geographical units. The AdminVector dataset encompasses the statistical sectors defined by the FPS Economy, the administrative units maintained by the FPS Finance and their centres, as well as the boundary stones. The datasets of the judicial cantons and judicial districts are built on the basis of their definition in the Judicial Code. The dataset of electoral districts is built on the basis of its definition in the Electoral Code. The dataset of the postal districts contains the boundaries of the Belgian postcodes managed by bpost.

  • This dataset contains the Belgian judicial districts and cantons, within the boundaries established by the annexes of the Judicial Code. Each judicial canton has a justice of the peace, which is also included in this dataset.

  • This dataset contains the administrative units for the organisation of elections, within their boundaries as established by Annex I of the Electoral Code.