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Top10Vector – Land cover and vegetation is the vector data set of the land use of unbuilt land areas in Belgium. This data set includes three classes. First class: dry and unbuilt areas or areas not used as roads. Second class: hedges. Third class: linear vegetation. This data set can be bought via the corresponding hyperlink.
The contour lines are the set of lines connecting all points at the same elevation in a model used to represent the relief on a large scale.
Orthophotos are digital aerial photographs that have been adjusted for lens distortion, topographic relief and camera tilt. This cover is renewed every three years.The orthophotographs have a minimal resolution of 50 cm. The dataset is generated from the harmonisation of the datasets owned by the Belgian administrative regions.The dataset is INSPIRE compliant. The dataset is downloadable per NGI mapsheet at scale 1:50000.
Landuse-Particular Zone is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Particular zones" layer originated from the Top10vector product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium . It includes the "ExistingLandUseDataSet" features and the "ExistingLandUseObject" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.
The data set contains a seamless polygonal layer representing the land cover in Belgium for the year 2018. The dataset is INSPIRE compliant.
Buildings is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Constructions" layer originated from the Top10vector product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium . It includes the "Building" features and the "OtherConstruction" features in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.
The entities included in the dataset represent the physical network in the sense of the Inspire European directive. The dataset comprises several classes and is in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications. The Wetland class represents poorly drained or periodically flooded portions of land, the soil of which is saturated with water but where vegetation is nevertheless able to develop. The StandingWater class represents flooded areas that are, nevertheless, completely surrounded by land.
The INSPIRE contour lines used for a cartographic representation of the relief at scale 1:50000, a product of the National Geographic Institute in Belgium. The dataset features are in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications.
The DTM is a homogeneous and regular point grid indicating the height of the ground level in order to model its surface. The DTM 1m is achieved by interpolating in Lambert 2008 source data in Lambert 72 and at a 1m-resolution from the Flemish and Brussels regions, and by adding Lambert 2008 data at 1m-resolution from the Walloon Region. The DTM 5m has an additional source, namely drawn structure lines and points adapted during systematic and continuous update by photogrammetric surveys. The DTM 20m is obtained by resampling of the DTM 1m.
The entities included in the dataset represent the Belgian rail transport network in the sense of the Inspire European directive. The dataset comprises several classes and is in accordance with the INSPIRE specifications. The RailLink class represents, in a linear manner, all of the rail links between each pair of dots for the network considered. The RailwayStationNode class represents occasionally all of the stations located along the network. In addition to this are two classes without geometry. The RailwatType class ranks the segments according to the type of rail transport for which they were designed. All the segments for this dataset belong to the train category. The "RailwaytElectrification" class lists the segments according to whether they are electrified or not.