Risk of hail - Wideumont weather radar
Hail products are derived from the observed vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and the NWP vertical profiles of temperature. Three types of products are generated. poh : probability of hail of any size (larger than 0.5 cm diameter)expressed in %. posh : probability of severe hail(larger than 2cm)expressed in %. mesh : maximum expected size of hailexpressed in mm of hailstone diameter. All products are generated every 5 minutes. This product is not publically available yet.
- Datum (revisie)
- 2024-10-01
- Identifier
- RMI-be / wideumont_hail
- Status
- continu geactualiseerd
- Herzieningsfrequentie
- continu
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Atmosferische omstandigheden
- Trefwoorden
- federal government
- hail
- observation
- Spatial scope
- (Juridische) toegangsrestrictie
- anders
- Overige beperkingen
- Geen beperkingen op openbare toegang
- (Juridische) gebruiksbeperking
- intellectueel eigendom
- Veiligheidsrestricties
- vrij toegankelijk
- Ruimtelijk schema
- grid
- Afstand
- 500 http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/ISO_19139_Schemas/resources /uom/ML_gmxUom.xml#m
- Taal
- English
- Onderwerp
- klimatologie, meteorologie atmosfeer
- Begindatum
- 2016-04-01T00:00:00
- Code
- EPSG:4258
- Distributie formaat
- OnLine bronnen
RMI opendata portal
RMI opendata portal
- Niveau kwaliteitsbeschrijving
- dataset
- Anders
- dataset
Domain consistentie
- Name of measure
- INSPIRE Conformity
Resultaat conformiteit met de specificatie
- Datum (publicatie)
- 2010-12-08
- Uitleg
- See the referenced specification
- Indicatie van conformiteit met de specificatie
- Nee
- Algemene beschrijving herkomst
- Hail detection module is an implementation of two hail detection algorithms: of Witt and of Waldvogel (Waldvogelet al., 1979). The module takes radar observations and temperature information and estimates probability of hail (POH, %), probability of severe hail (POSH, %) and maximum expected size of hail (MESH, mm). The implementation of the Waldvogel algorithm is based on the Holleman s equation (I. Holleman, 2001), which was verified for Belgium by Delobbe et al. (2003). The POH is derived in the algorithm from the presence of a substantial updraft detected above the freezing level (0º-isoterm). The implementation of the Witt algorithm is based on the weighted integration of the reflectivity values between the heights of 0º-isoterm and -20º-isotherm (Witt et al., 1998). This algorithm provides POSH and MESH estimates.
- Metadata ID
- Taal
- English
- Hierarchisch niveau
- dataset
- Metadata datum
- 2024-10-01